Adult Coed Softball

The Cockeysville adult coed softball program offers weeknight doubleheader slow pitch softball leagues from spring through fall.


Want to Join?

Please review the basic information below and the 2025 schedule of fees. Reach out with indications of interest or additional questions to the softball commissioner, by clicking the email icon below. We look forward to having you join us on the diamond!

Adult Softball Chair


The spring play season begins the week of April 1. A summer set begins in June. The fall schedule ends by early October.


We play at fields in the Cockeysville area, such as at Padonia and Mays Chapel Elementary, Cockeysville Middle, and the fields on Shawan Road.


Game times are usually scheduled to start at 5:45, and continue until dusk.


The league will run on any weeknight for which sufficient interest exists. In recent years, this has principally been Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.


As an adult league, participants must be 18 or older to play.


The league provides balls and scorebooks and arranges for umpires.

Teams decide on any uniform shirt and bring their own gloves and bats as well as a set of stakedown bases.


Player registration for the 2025 season is open.

Players need to agree to the county waiver.

Team Captains can pay team entry fees online or by check.

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